We are ANCAMTA Experts for Water Engineering, Civil Engineering, Management Consulting, Capacity Building, Energy and Mining Sectors. We are based in Hargeisa but we operate in the Somali Peninsula.

Managing Partners


Mohamed Farah
Founder and Managing Director 
MA in Development Studies.
B.Sc in Education

15 years experience in

multisectoral project management, coordination, information management, team leading, planning, programming and consulting services, capacity building and institutional development, engineering management, expertise in handling professional tasks that are necessarily in line with project cycle management for-profit and non-profit seeking, governmental and non-governmental, development and humanitarian organizations.

Eng. Ahmed Barre
Technical Operator
MA in Project Planning & Management, B.Sc. in Civil Engineering (Honour).
B.Sc in Education

12 years experience in

Feasibility and detailed design services, baseline survey, planning, supervision of civil, hydraulic, water supply, water resources, irrigation, structural, mechanical and electrical services, master plan, topographic and Watershed management services. He experienced in hygiene and sanitation promotion, community capacity building, formulation of strategies and development of training manuals and operation and maintenance.